“a new way forward to support young people”
On any given day, young people can experience a range of changes to their thoughts, feelings and behaviours. No matter what the problem or cause is, these changes can have a significant impact on them and unfortunately, they are not always equipped with the skills to deal with these emotionally challenging situations.
Over 75% of mental health problems occur before the age of 25* and one in seven young people aged 4 to 17 years experience a mental health condition in any given year**. Our young people need support and guidance now more than ever to help them navigate this stage of their lives, especially with the added uncertainty and social isolation from a global pandemic.
In order to help these young people who are struggling and who need a trusted adult to speak with, The Wellbeing Affect are offering “Wellbeing Support Sessions” specifically designed for youth. These support sessions are informal, one-on-one sessions for young people that can take place in our rooms or outside, anywhere that they will feel comfortable to open up about what is worrying them.
Many young people need a safe landing place, as well as a neutral, trusted and qualified adult to talk to. However, sometimes young people do have a need to speak with a counsellor or a psychologist in a formal environment to deal with more complex mental health issues. During our sessions, if we notice that a young person needs extra support, we refer them on to a counsellor or psychologist.
*Kessler, RD et al. (2005). Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62: p. 593-602.
**Lawrence D, Johnson S, Hafekost J, Boterhoven De Haan K, Sawyer M, Ainley J, Zubrick SR. (2015). The Mental Health of Children and Adolescents. Report on the second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Canberra: Department of Health.
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